Madix shelving, madix shelving parts

Madix shelving parts manufacturer, Located in China, we have over 20 years of experience in shelf manufacturing.

Wholesale Madix gondola shelving at low prices.

Shelving compatible with shelving systems in the USA. Include a wide range of accessory items.

The madix shelving are available in multiple sizes and colors options. Easy to assemble, shelving has snap-together parts and built-in levelers. shelves include integral tag moldings, round perforations for accessories, and slim, multi-position brackets.

Three position upper shelves 0º, 15º downslope, and 30º downslope
Shelves include 1-1/4" integrated ticket molding
Standard built-in levelers on uprights and shoes
1" on center single slotted uprights
Straight-in base shoe design for quick installation and resets.

Depth: 8", 10", 12", 14", 16", 18", 20", 22", 24", 26", 28", 30"
Width: 24", 30", 36", 42", 48"
Height: from 48" to 120"
Include all madix shelving parts, accessories, upright, base shoe, shelf, back panel, rail, bracket, trim, cover, etc.

madix shelving parts

madix shelving

madix shelving



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